Επαγγελματίες ISST

Έννοια ISST

…καταβάλλει μεγάλες προσπάθειες για την παροχή επαρκών λύσεων για συνεχή επαγγελματική κατάρτιση σε σχετικές επαγγελματικές ομάδες για συντηρητική θεραπεία της σκολίωσης, ιδίως φυσιοθεραπευτές και τεχνικούς ορθοπεδικούς.

ISSΤ Σεμινάρια

For physical therapists, kinesiotherapists, kinesiologists. Training courses in the English language exclusively for physical therapists have been held since 2008 and today in more than 20 countries.

ISST Brace

The training starts with the participation at our further education program especially for scoliosis and kyphosis braces to get an understanding of Cheneau brace principles and the specific aspects of the SANOMED-Brace according to the Asklepios Katharina Schroth principles.

ISST Evidence

Important evidence about the effectiveness of the ISST Schroth exercises for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis demonstrating that ISST Schroth therapy improves curves, pain, self-image, posture, and back muscle endurance.

ISST Schroth Instructors

Training for ISST – Schroth Therapists and ISST – Instructors. Provided by ISST – International. Effective conservative treatment for scoliosis. Education and training for non-surgical scoliosis treatment.

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